The Children's Neuroscience Center at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital is at the forefront of advancing treatment for pediatric patients, offering minimally invasive treatment for endoscopic brain surgery and comprehensive diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of a wide range of neurological disorders. Our multidisciplinary team approach combines the expertise of pediatric neurologists, epileptologists, neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists and neuropsychologists to ensure your child receives the best care available.

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Our skilled medical professionals use the most sophisticated surgical, diagnostic and imaging techniques and equipment, such as diagnostic electroencephalography (EEG), video EEG monitoring, stereotactic EEG (SEEG), diagnostic electromyography (EMG), and diagnostic magnetoencephalography (MEG). Our pediatric neurosurgeons are at the forefront of medicine, performing life-changing surgeries like selective dorsal rhizotomy, which can help children with Cerebral Palsy to walk again. They have an active research program, with innovative trials in progress for the treatment of pediatric brain tumors, spasticity, traumatic brain injury, hydrocephalus, and more. Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital was named one of the top children's hospitals nationally in Neurology and Neurosurgery  by U.S. News & World Report.

We provide individualized education and support services for families, helping them from diagnosis through treatment and follow-up care for a broad range of neurological disorders.


The Neurology department at the Children’s Neuroscience Center is dedicated to providing the highest level of care to patients with disorders of the brain, spine, and nervous system, combining expert care with the most advanced technology.


When surgery is required, the physicians at the Children’s Neuroscience Center use minimally invasive techniques that minimize patient risk. We are committed to providing patients with excellent outcomes and quality care.

Patient Stories

  • patient ivan smiling with backpack

    One team, one triumph: How multidisciplinary care helped heal Ivan's trauma

    Due to the severity of the impact, Ivan’s seat flew out of the car, and he became trapped in his seat belt. It took two hours for an emergency response team with special equipment to remove the family from their vehicle

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  • patient rylee wearing hat

    Rylee Noble: A journey of strength, determination and advocacy in the face of Hurler syndrome

    Diagnosed with Hurler-Scheie syndrome at just 10 years old, Rylee hasn’t had an easy journey, but her strength and positive attitude have never wavered through it all.

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  • patient holding trophy

    Finley's Triumph: Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy Surgery

    As Finley approached his teen years, he faced multiple procedures that profoundly impacted his life under the skilled care of Manish Shah, MD, a pediatric neurosurgeon affiliated with Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital and its Children’s Neuroscience Center. His journey through years of physica...

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  • patient zion holding picture

    Jumping for Joy – Zion’s Journey with Cerebral Palsy and SDR Surgery

    Around the age of 3, Zion was officially diagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP). After several temporary therapies and treatments, Zion’s parents continued to advocate for their son. 

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  • patient ripp in swing

    Ripp’s story: Family credits Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital’s affiliated trauma team and TIRR Memorial Hermann for son’s recovery from a traumatic brain injury following a tractor accident.

    On September 24, 2022, Chase and Kendall had a few friends over at their family farm in El Campo where they gathered around the fire pit, grilling fajitas. It was supposed to be a fun and relaxing afternoon on the farm. But then, in a matter of minutes, everything changed so quickly. Ripp had bee...

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  • patient evan at playground

    Evan’s Story: Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital Gave Our Son Renewed Hope and Optimism

    The Carkhuffs’ journey to find answers for their son involved relocating their family 1,600 miles away from their home in Pennsylvania to Houston, Texas, where they found hope. Houston has been home to the family for the past 16 years, and it was in Houston where they found the doctors that...

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  • patient Cynthia and Dr. Au

    Cynthia’s Story: Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery for Urologic Condition Vastly Improves Quality of Life

    An MRI revealed a tumor on Cynthia’s spine. The pressure was affecting her nerves, causing numbness in her legs. Because of the location of the tumor, it was critical that it be removed as quickly as possible before causing further damage to the nerves in her spi...

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  • patient Dylan

    Dylan’s Story: Celebrating Small, but Mighty Victories After Fetoscopic Spina Bifida Surgery

    "The ultrasound showed the ventricles in my baby’s brain were enlarged,” said Courtney. “Concerned he might have hydrocephalus, my OB-GYN sent me to a maternal-fetal medicine specialist in town.” A few days later, Courtney met with her family friend and MFM physician, Dr. ...

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  • patient Wyatt waiving hello

    Wyatt’s Spina Bifida Journey: How Our Miracle Baby Beat the Odds One Step at a Time

    A few weeks later, Sarah returned to her OB-GYN for another anatomy ultrasound. As the ultrasound technician glided the probe on Sarah’s growing belly, she noticed something unusual on the monitor. “The ultrasound showed Wyatt had fluid in his brain,” said Sarah.

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  • patient with flower crown

    Lindsay and Kendall’s Story: Finding help for their unborn baby’s spina bifida

    Their baby had spina bifida. A portion of her lower spinal cord was exposed. The long-term effects could be seizures, bowel and bladder control issues, and difficulty walking. She might also need a special shunt to regulate her brain’s fluid levels.

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  • Patient Carlos Miranda

    Defying the odds: Carlos’ story of courage, hope and resilience

    Carlos’ intraventricular hemorrhage (neonatal brain bleed) led to scarring in his brain from being born prematurely. The severe scarring and lack of blood flow to his brain tissue contributed to periventricular leukomalacia (PVL), a softening of the white brain tissue near the fluid-f...

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  • Himanshu smiling

    Himanshu’s Story: Novel Treatment for Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis

    A novel treatment approach at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital is giving 17-year-old Himanshu Prasad the opportunity to live life free of the muscle tightness and spasticity that has plagued him since birth.

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  • Family Travels from Mexico to Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital for Child's Brain Surgery

    When an MRI revealed a cyst causing pressure on 11-year-old Santiago Sanchez’s brain, doctors in Mexico City were unable to offer treatment options. The family’s search for treatment ultimately led them to Children’s Memorial Hermann-affiliated pediatric neurosurgeon, David Sand...

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  • Baby Lily Nail

    Lily Nail Celebrates Independence from Spina Bifida

    Hailee Nail learned her baby had spina bifida on Aug. 13, 2020, when she saw her obstetrician in Tulsa, Okla., for her 20-week anatomy scan. “My OB/GYN told me that it would require surgery and gave me the names of several centers, but he wanted me to go to Houston,” she says.

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  • Aubree Ford

    Aubree Ford: Positive Steps Towards Independence

    Aubree was diagnosed as a baby with spastic triplegic cerebral palsy. In her case, both her legs and her left arm had spasticity – a condition that made her affected limbs rigid and stiff. Because of the spasticity, Aubree has had physical therapy since she was a baby to help manage it. She has n...

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  • Lauren at ballet

    Sticky Situation: When Glue Fixes a Brain and Saves a Life

    When a very rare brain condition caused fourth-grader Lauren Lackey to slip into a coma, her parents, Sandy and Mark Lackey hate to think what would have happened to their daughter if the ambulance had not made the long drive to Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital. Mark remembers feeling i...

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  • Chloe

    Chloe's Journey With Dysautonomia

    Chloe spent months in the offices of a local neurologist and neurosurgeon as they tried to determine what was wrong. Finally, one of them referred her to Dr. Ian Butler, a pediatric neurologist affiliated with Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital, about her many health concerns: headaches, lack o...

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  • Wesley Robertson

    Finally at Ease: A Remarkable Surgery Cures a 3-Month-Old Baby with Epilepsy

    By the time he was 3 months old, Wesley’s seizures were occurring up to 55 times a day — every minute or two while he was awake, and every 10 to 15 minutes when he slept. His doctor prescribed him nine different medications over the course of three months, but none provided long-lasting relief. D...

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  • Andrea

    Andrea: An Unusual Brain Tumor

    When Andrea was 15, a CT scan showed an unusually large, dense mass in the back part of her brain - with a buildup of fluid. The imaging study revealed an unusually large, dense mass in the posterior fossa - the lower back of the skull containing the brain stem and cerebellum- with obstructive hy...

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  • Harper Lowery

    Pediatric Hydrocephalus: Another Infant Avoids a Shunt

    Harper Lowery was born prematurely at 29 weeks 6 days, the larger of fraternal twins. A cranial ultrasound performed at 10 days of life revealed a bilateral intraventricular hemorrhage. With blood clots blocking the flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), Harper’s head began to enlarge to accomm...

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  • Dr. Sandberg in surgery

    Treating a Life-Threatening Brain Injury: From Life Flight to OR Table in Nine Minutes

    A small bump on the head during a game at his elementary school in Lufkin, Texas – at first Landon Courtney’s injury seemed minor. The seven-year-old was playing four corners in his P.E. class in early March 2016 when his feet got tangled with a classmate’s. He fell to the gym f...

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  • Read about Endoscopic Management Sagittal Craniosynostosis

    Endoscopic Management of Sagittal Craniosynostosis

    A rare condition that occurs in 1 in 2,500 babies born in the United States, craniosynostosis changes the growth pattern of the skull by premature fusion of its fibrous sutures. Robert is among the 40% to 60% of cases in which the sagittal suture fuses earlier than normal. Thanks to his mother’s ...

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  • Eric Sandaval

    Erick Sandoval: A Successful Brain Surgery Changes a Young Boy’s Career Choice

    At first Debra Johnson didn’t associate her 11-year-old son’s unusual behavior with seizure activity. He would go through periods of seeming spacey, and she couldn't figure the issue out. After an MRI revealed a small tumor in his right temporal lobe, the family was referred to Dr. David Sandberg...

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  • Read about Jamie Wright Hydrocephalus

    Jamie Wright's Hydrocephalus Story: A Personal Matter Becomes a Professional Motivation

    Since Jamie Wright was a child, she has wanted to change the outlook for people who struggle with a diagnosis of hydrocephalus, which is the most common reason some children require brain surgery. Out of every 1,000 babies born in the U.S., about one to two are born with hydrocephalus, a conditi...

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  • Cristian serrato

    Cristian Serrato: Deep Brain Stimulation Transforms a Life

    Much of neurology is detective work. Like good sleuthing, successful practice demands profound knowledge, honed investigative skills, persistence and a measure of artistry. In the case of Cristian Serrato, diagnosis and treatment of a challenging disorder required all of these talents and more. U...

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  • Darius Sonia

    Darius Sonia: The Perfect Candidate for Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy

    A caring and informed mother, a knowledgeable physical therapist and an expert in the surgical management of spasticity have transformed the life of eight-year-old Darius Sonia. Born seven weeks early, Darius suffered an intraventricular hemorrhage in the first few days of life – a common occurre...

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  • Daniel Turya riding bike

    Daniel Turya: Recovery After a Biking-Related Brain Injury

    It was Daniel Turya’s eighth birthday and he couldn’t wait to take his new birthday gift from his parents out for a spin. It was a shiny new bike, and even though he didn’t have a helmet, he was just riding right outside of his apartment doorstep with his buddies. Soon after he got on, he acciden...

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  • Cory Smith

    Cory Smith Rises to the Challenge

    In May 2012, Cory Smith, a straight-A student and star basketball player at Clear Springs High School in Houston, suffered a severe intracranial empyema, an infection that arises most commonly as a complication of sinusitis or otitis, particularly in males in later childhood, adolescence or early...

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  • Haiti Mission Trip

    Pitching in to Help Haitian Children with Hydrocephalus

    Last December, an eight-member neurosurgical team extended their practice beyond the walls of Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital and McGovern Medical School at UTHealth to Haiti, where they spent four days on a medical mission to treat children with hydrocephalus. “Like all mission trips, we ha...

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  • Savanna

    Savanna's Pediatric Epilepsy Story

    Savanna and her twin brother, Austin, were happy, healthy babies, but at about 6 weeks old, Savanna began having what episodes – short periods during which she would be nonresponsive and withdrawn. Nine months later, the Lininger’s made the decision to move to Houston to be closer to ...

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Contact Us

If you have any questions, use the online tool below to help us connect with you. To refer a patient or schedule an appointment, please contact our clinic using the information below.

  • Pediatric Stroke Clinic
    UT Professional Building
    6410 Fannin, Suite 500
    Houston, TX 77030
    P: (713) 500-7164
  • Pediatric Neurosurgery Clinic
    6410 Fannin Street, Suite 950
    Houston, TX 77030
    P: (832) 325-7234
  • UTHealth Houston Gulf State Hemophilia and Thrombophilia Center
    6655 Travis Street, Suite 100
    Houston, TX 77030
    P: (832) 325-7242

To contact Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital, please fill out the form below.


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If you need more immediate assistance, please call us during business hours at (832) 325-7242.

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

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Nationally Ranked Pediatric Care

Proud to be named one of the nation’s best in Cardiology and Heart Surgery; Gastroenterology and GI Surgery; Neurology and Neurosurgery; and Urology.

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