BeHealthy: Chronic Disease Management for TBI

TIRR Co-Investigator: Angelle Sander, PhD

Summary: Growing evidence demonstrates traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be a chronic, dynamic health condition with persistent health and psychosocial issues. Identifying chronic brain injury is essential for managing associated lifelong conditions due to injury, and to improve health, independent function and societal participation for individuals with TBI.

Funding: National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research

Center for Wearable Exoskeletons

Investigators: Gerard Francisco, MD; James Chang, PT, PhD

Researchers: Ruta Paranjape, MS, CCRP; Marcie Kern, PT, MS

Summary: This ongoing research investigates novel applications of wearable robots for people with spinal cord injuries, stroke and multiple sclerosis.

Funding: Memorial Hermann Foundation

Improving Outcomes for Care Partners of Persons With Traumatic Brain Injury

TIRR Memorial Hermann Site Principal Investigator: Angelle Sander, PhD

Summary: Care partners for people with moderate to severe TBI often assist with physical, mental, financial and leisure activities; as a result of these new caregiving responsibilities, it is common for these care partners to report problems with their own physical, mental and social health. This randomized controlled trial will examine the efficacy of a just-in-time adaptive intervention that uses objective mobile sensor data feedback to improve physical activity, sleep and health-related quality of life in 240 care partners of people with TBI.

Funding: National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Nursing Research

Long-Term Trajectories of Cognition and Psychological Health in Civilians and Veterans

Principal Investigator: Shannon Juengst, PhD

Summary: Data from this study will improve understanding cognition and psychological health after TBI.

Funding: Memorial Hermann Foundation and Department of Defense

Neuromodulation and Neural Interfaces

Lead Investigator: Nuray Yozbatiran, PT, PhD

Researchers: Vanessa Bernal, BS, CCRP; Kathryn Nedley, OTD, OTR, ATP

Postdoc: Kyuwan Choi, PhD

Summary: This ongoing research investigates the efficacy and efficiency of noninvasive brain and spinal stimulation on upper limb recovery function in patients with brain and spinal cord injuries.

Funding: Memorial Hermann Foundation, TIRR Foundation

Neurorehabilitation Research

Director: Sheng Li, MD, PhD

Researchers: Hao Meng, PhD; Shengai Li, MS

Summary: This ongoing research examines the pathophysiology of spasticity and effects of noninvasive stimulation on neuropathic pain and recovery of sensory and motor function.

Funding: National Institutes of Health; National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research; TIRR Foundation

Occupational Performance Coaching in Pediatric Patients With Spinal Cord Injury

Principal Investigator: Heather B. Taylor, PhDD

Researcher Physical Therapist: Kristine Lopez, PT

Summary: The goal of the study is to evaluate the feasibility of conducting an occupational performance coaching program with parents of children with spinal cord injuries and to evaluate outcomes.

Funding: Craig H. Neilsen Foundation, 2018-2020

The Americans With Disabilities Act Participation Action Research Consortium (ADA-PARC); Advancing Participation Equity for People With Disabilities

Principal Investigator: Lex Frieden, MA, LLD

Co-Investigator: Vinh Nguyen, JD, MBA

Summary: The ADA-PARC is a research collaboration between all 10 regional ADA centers across the country that assess participation disparities experienced by people with disabilities after the ADA was signed into law.

Funding: National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research

Summer 2024 Edition
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For the 35th consecutive year, TIRR Memorial Hermann is recognized as the best rehabilitation hospital in Texas and No. 2 in the nation according to U.S. News and World Report's "Best Rehabilitation Hospitals" in America.

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