Evelyn Suber: Like Family

Mary Lynn Cortez, PT, oversaw Suber’s physical therapy program under the direction of physiatrist Anand Allam, MD. “When Evelyn first came to inpatient rehabilitation, she presented like a paraplegic,...

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  • When Quality Measures Put Patients with Spinal Cord Injury at Risk

    With today’s focus on transparency in health care, quality measures play an increasingly important role in determining Medicare reimbursement.

    "Hospitals and other care facilities have lowered their CAUTI rates by paying close attention to whether patients actually need a Foley catheter and by removing them when they don’t,” says Matthew Davis, MD, clinical director of the SCI Program at TIRR Memorial Hermann and a clinical professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation at the John P. and Kathrine G. McGovern Medical School. “But health care professionals outside the field of rehabilitation are often unaware that many patients suffer from neurogenic bladder, which requires management either by indwelling catheters or by intermittent catheterization."

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  • Gerard Francisco

    Message From the Chief Medical Officer

    While we serve our patients well on an individual basis, advocacy is an opportunity to make a difference in their lives on a grander scale. One voice can be powerful, but many voices can bring about change.

    Our work as physicians centers fundamentally on our relationships with our patients, which includes advocating for them in the hospital setting and the community. While advocacy for educational and political change may be less widely accepted in the medical community, I believe it is our responsibility as physicians to take a stand on economic and social issues that affect the health and well being of our patients.

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  • Aaron and Peter Berry

    Peter and Aaron Berry: The Mark of Champions

    In April 2015, TIRR Memorial Hermann held a banquet to honor the TIRR Memorial Hermann junior Hotwheels for winning the National Wheelchair Basketball Association’s Junior Division National Championship.

    Four and a half years earlier, the two boys sustained serious thoracic spinal cord injuries in an auto accident that took the lives of their parents, Joshua and Robin Berry, on their return home to Houston after vacationing in Colorado. Paralyzed from the waist down, Peter and Aaron received emergency care at the Texas Trauma Institute and Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital, then spent the first three months after the accident at Shriners Hospital for Children in Chicago, which specializes in rehabilitation of children with spinal cord injuries. Their aunt, Houstonian Simone Berry, who with her husband Matt Berry assumed care of the boys, remained by their side.

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  • ADA reception photo with TIRR leadership

    TIRR Memorial Hermann Hosts Reception at the ADA Celebration in Washington

    A reception hosted by TIRR Memorial Hermann in Washington, D.C., set the stage for two weeks of celebration of the 25th anniversary of the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

    “The ADA has brought about historic change in the U.S., resulting in more accessibility and higher quality of life for millions of Americans with disabilities,” says Carl Josehart, CEO of TIRR Memorial Hermann and senior vice president and CEO of Post-Acute Care Services for the Memorial Hermann Health System. “TIRR Memorial Hermann and Houston were the epicenter of grassroots efforts to bring the ADA to fruition, so it was fitting for us to organize part of the celebration activities. The room was filled with superstars of the ADA who lived its history on the frontlines, organizing themselves to become a powerful force in the writing and passage of the legislation.”

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  • Mary Ann White

    The Place Where Miracles Happen: A Volunteer’s Story

    Volunteers from every walk of life have played a prominent role in TIRR Memorial Hermann’s history. Among them is Mary Ann White, who started giving of her time in May 1970 and today, helps out wherever she’s needed.

    “Our volunteers have given much in time, talent and treasure for the benefit of patients,” says White, who had never known anyone with a disability until she volunteered at TIRR Memorial Hermann. “I got involved through my husband, who taught at St. John’s School. Dr. George Broyles was the team physician – his son had suffered a spinal cord injury in a football game and went to TIRR for rehab. One day Dr. Broyles approached me and said, ‘I’ve met the most wonderful person. Her name is Nita Weil, and I think you should talk with her about volunteering.’ I had two little girls at the time, but I went anyway and fell in love with Nita. I signe...

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  • Sara Ninan

    Profile in Caring: Sara Ninan, ADN, RN, CRRN

    When Sara Ninan looks back, she wonders where the time went. On Aug. 25, 2015, she celebrated her 40th anniversary of service as a nurse at TIRR Memorial Hermann.

    When Sara Ninan looks back, she wonders where the time went. On Aug. 25, 2015, she celebrated her 40th anniversary of service as a nurse at TIRR Memorial Hermann. Over those four decades, she saw the hospital’s reputation in rehabilitation and research grow, moved patients to a new six-story facility, watched the construction of the new TIRR Memorial Hermann Research Center, and witnessed the hospital’s move up the U.S. News & World Report’s Best Hospitals list to No. 2 in 2015.

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  • US Disability Maps

    Perspectives on Research

    Fifty-four million people with disabilities and their families and friends celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on July 26, 2015.

    Before the ADA was passed, people with disabilities often encountered physical barriers in their communities because buildings and sidewalks were inaccessible. They also faced attitudinal and other barriers from the general public due to commonly held prejudices and misconceptions. The goal of the ADA was not simply to eliminate discrimination on the basis of disability but to integrate people with disabilities in their respective communities so that they could fully participate and contribute to American society. Twenty-five years after the ADA was enacted, how successful have we been in reaching this goal?

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  • Fabiolla Kopp

    News of Note

    The Independent Living Research Utilization program of TIRR Memorial Hermann has been awarded a two-year grant to establish the Statewide Independent Living Council Training & Technical Assistance Center.

    Statewide Independent Living Councils, which exist in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and five United States territories, are entities created under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, to conduct and coordinate the planning for states’ independent living programs. While they do not provide direct services to individuals with disabilities, they are a vital link in the independent living network.

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  • Accolades

    TIRR Memorial Hermann recognizes its affiliated physicians' highlights in print, speaking engagements and other accomplishments.

    The Texas Nursing Association (TNA) District 9, which represents nurses in Harris County, has named Mary Ann Euliarte, RN, CRRN, among its top 25 nurses at the organization’s 25th Annual Nursing Celebration. Euliarte is chief nursing officer and vice president of operations for TIRR Memorial Hermann and chief nurse of rehabilitation services for the Memorial Hermann Health System.

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  • Carl Josehart

    Message From the CEO

    At TIRR Memorial Hermann, we work closely together to ensure that our patients receive the appropriate level of care at the right time in the most convenient setting.

    At TIRR Memorial Hermann in the Texas Medical Center and across the citywide TIRR Memorial Hermann Rehabilitation Network, we work closely together to ensure that our patients receive the appropriate level of care at the right time in the most convenient setting. They benefit from our capability to provide all levels of care across the lifespan seamlessly with a consistent level of quality – this is the power of an integrated health system.

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