
David Arciniegas, MD, senior scientist and medical director for brain injury research, received the 2015 Mitch Rosenthal Award for Scientific and Clinical Achievement in Brain Injury Rehabilitation, presented at the 39th Annual Williamsburg Brain Injury Rehabilitation Conference held in Williamsburg, Va., in April.

Cindy B. Ivanhoe, MD, attending physician in the Brain Injury and Stroke Program, was featured among “Houston’s Inspirational Women in Science Careers” in the February/March issue of the Society of Women Engineers’ SWE Happenings. Dr. Ivanhoe is on the board of directors of the International Neurotoxin Association, is a reviewer for the peer-reviewed journal Brain Injury and also serves on the Quality, Practice, Policy and Research Committee of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Dehuti Pandya, PharmD, pharmacy clinical specialist, was selected as the Outstanding University of Texas Preceptor for the Houston/Galveston Region for 2015. She also received the award in 2013.

In Print

Arciniegas DB, Hales RE, Yudofsky SC. A season of change for the Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. Journal of Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences, 2015;27(2):80.

Barker MD, Whyte J, Pretz CR, Sherer M, Temkin N, Hammond FM, Saad Z, Novack T. Application and clinical utility of the Glasgow Coma Scale over time: A study employing the NIDRR Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems Database. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 2014;29:400-406.

Carlozzi NE, Kratz AL, Sander A, Chiaravolotti ND, Brickell T, Lange R, Hahn EA, Austin A, Miner JA, Tulsky DS. Health-related quality of life in caregivers of individuals with traumatic brain injury: Development of a conceptual model. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2015;96:105-113.

Chen M, Zhou P. A Novel Framework Based on FastICA for High Density Surface EMG Decomposition. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering. 2015 Mar 11.

Granadillo ED, Arciniegas DB. Post-stroke subcortical aphasia and neurobehavioral disturbances without motor or sensory deficits. Journal of Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences, 2015;27(2):e165-7.

Hartoonian N, Hoffman JM, Kalpakjian CZ, Taylor HB, Krause JK, Bombadier CH. Evaluating a spinal cord injury-specific model of depression and quality of life. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2014;95:455-465.

Jahanmiri-Nezhad F, Li X, Rymer WZ, Zhou P. A practice of caution: spontaneous action potentials or artifactual spikes? Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation. 2015 Jan 13;12(1):5.

Kumar RG, Bracken MB, Clark AN, Nick TG, Melguizo MS, Sander AM. Relationship of preinjury depressive symptoms to outcomes 3 months after complicated and uncomplicated mild traumatic brain injury. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2014;93:687-702.

Li S, Chang SH, Francisco GE, Verduzco-Gutierrez M. Acoustic startle reflex in chronic stroke survivors at different stages of motor recovery: a pilot study- Grand Rounds, Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 2014; 21(4):358-372.

Li X, Holobar A, Gazzoni M, Merletti R, Rymer WZ, Zhou P. Examination of Post-stroke Alteration in Motor Unit Firing Behavior Using High-Density Surface EMG Decomposition. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2015 May;62(5):1241-1252.

Maestas KL, Sander AM, Clark AN, van Veldhoven LM, Struchen MA, Sherer M, Hannay HJ. Pre-injury coping, emotional functioning, and quality of life following uncomplicated and complicated mild traumatic brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 2014;29:407-417.

Oschwald M, Leotti S, Raymaker D, Katz M, Goe R, Harviston M, Wallington A, Howard L, Beers L, Nicolaidis C, Robinson-Whelen S, Hughes RB, Lund EM, Powers LE and the Partnering with People with Disabilities to Address Violence Consortium. Development of an audio computer-assisted self-interview to investigate violence and health in the lives of people with developmental disabilities. Disability and Health Journal, 2014;7(3):292-301.

Pehlivan AU, Sergi F, Erwin A, Yozbatiran N, Francisco GE, O’Malley MK. Design and validation of the RiceWrist-S exoskeleton for robotic rehabilitation after incomplete spinal cord injury. Robotica. Available on CJO 2014 doi: 10.1017/SO0263574714001490.

Raghubar K, English L, Barnes M, Taylor HB, Williams J, Landry S. Longitudinal Mediators of Achievement in Mathematics and Reading in Typical and Atypical Development. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2014;119:1-16.

Robinson-Whelen S, Hughes RB, Gabrielli J, Lund EM, Abramson W, Swank P. A safety awareness program for women with diverse disabilities: A randomized controlled trial. Violence Against Women, 2014;20(7):846-868.

Robinson-Whelen S, Taylor HB, Hughes RB, Wenzel L, Nosek MA. Depression and depression treatment in women with spinal cord injury. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 2014;20(1):23-31.

On The Podium

Sander AM, Maestas KL. Sexuality after traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2014;95:1801-1802.

Sherer M, Dijkers MP, Whyte J, Nick TG. Comparative effectiveness, covariates, complex treatment, and complex outcomes: A response to Dahdah, Barisa, Schmidt, et al. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 2014;29:460-461.

Sherer M, Sander AM, Maestas KL, Pastorek NJ, Nick TG, Li J. Accuracy of self-reported length of coma and post-traumatic amnesia in persons with medically verified traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2015;96:652-658.

Tulsky DS, Kisala P, Victorson D, Carlozzi N, Bushnik T, Sherer M, Choi SW, Heinemann AW, Chiaravalloti N, Sander AM, Englander J, Hanks R, Kolakowsky-Hayner S, Gershon R, Rosenthal M, Cella D. TBI-QOL: Development and calibration of item banks to measure patient reported outcomes following traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2015.

Venkatakrishnan A, Francisco GE, Contreras-Vidal JL. Applications of Brain-Machine Interface Systems in Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation, Current Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Reports. Online at SpringerLink-e-ISSN 2167-4833) DOI 10.1007/s40141-014-0051-4.

Wortzel HS, Arciniegas DB. The DSM-5 approach to the evaluation of traumatic brain injury and its neuropsychiatric sequelae. NeuroRehabilitation, 2014;34(4):613-623.


Carlozzi N, Kratz A, Sander AM, Chiaravolloti ND, Austin A, Miner JA, Brickell TA, Hahn E, Tulsky DS. Health-related quality of life in caregivers of individuals with traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2014;95:e100.

Kratz A, Carlozzi N, Brickell TA, Sander AM. “I want ME as a caregiver”: Perspectives from caregivers of individuals with traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2014;95:e50.

Pappadis MR, Sander AM, Leung P, Parrish DE, Epstein MW. Impact of gender role conflict on adjustment in women with traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2014;95:e68-9.

Sander AM, Maestas K, Pappadis MR. Education on sexuality for persons with traumatic brain injury: Impact on comfort and satisfaction. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2014;95:e49.

Contributed Papers

Bhagat N, French J, Venkatakrishman A, Yozbatiran N, Francisco G, O’Malley MK, Contreras-Vidal J. Detecting Movement Intent from Scalp EEG in a Novel Upper Limb Robotic Rehabilitation System for Stroke. Session: Neural Signal Processing I (Oral Presentation) Accepted as Contributed Paper. 36th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference 2014. Session Submission #1048.

He Y, Nathan K, Venkatakrishman A, Rovekamp R, Beck C, Ozdemir R, Francisco GE, Contreras-Vidal J. An Integrated Neuro-Robotic Interface for Stroke Rehabilitation Using the NASA X1 Powered Lower Limb Exoskeleton. Session: Brain-Computer Interface III (Oral Presentation) Accepted as Contributed Paper. 36th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference 2014. Session Submission #2146.

On The Podium

Alessi, CT, Pandya, DA, Lake-Wallace, SE, Cuellar, LM. Impact of a Pharmacist-Managed Refill Clinic. Poster presented at the Texas Society of Health-System Pharmacists Annual Seminar, San Antonio, TX, April 2015.

Arciniegas DB, McAllister TW, Silver JM. Neuropsychiatry of Traumatic Brain Injury. Invited workshop, Brain Injury Summit 2015, Vail, CO, January 2015.

Arciniegas DB. Attention and Memory Impairment following Traumatic Brain Injury: New Perspectives on an Old Problem; Acute Traumatic Encephalopathy: Evaluation and Management. Invited lectures, Brain Injury Summit 2015, Vail, CO, January 2015.

Arciniegas DB. Disorders of Mood and Affect after TBI: A Neuropsychiatric Perspective. Invited lecture, 39th Annual Williamsburg Brain Injury Rehabilitation Conference, Williamsburg, VA, April 2015.

Arciniegas DB, McAllister TW, Silver JM. Neuropsychiatry of TBI. Invited lecture, 12th Annual Meeting of the North American Brain Injury Society, San Antonio, TX, April 2015.

Cuellar LM. It’s Not the Cup, It’s the Coffee: It’s Not the Title, It’s the Person. Keynote address presented at the 2015 Alcálde Southwest Residency Leadership Conference, Texas Society of Health-System Pharmacists, San Antonio, TX, April 2015.

Cuellar LM. Pharmacy Practice Model in an Acute Rehabilitation Hospital. Presented at the Texas Society of Health-System Pharmacists Annual Seminar, San Antonio, TX, April 2015.

Ivanhoe CB. Maximizing Outcomes in Spasticity Using Botulinum Toxin. Presented at the TOXINS 2015 Conference of the International Neurotoxin Association, Lisbon, Portugal, January 2015.

Ivanhoe CB. Approach to Spasticity Using Botulinum Toxin. Parallel Track presented at the TOXINS 2015 Conference of the International Neurotoxin Association, Lisbon, Portugal, January 2015.

Loughlin, SM, Alessi, CT, Cuellar, LM. Antibiotic Stewardship Outside of the ICU: Developing and Implementing a Program Appropriate for an Inpatient Rehabilitation Setting. Poster presented at the Texas Society of Health-System Pharmacists Annual Seminar, San Antonio, TX, April 2015.

Pappadis MR, Sander AM, Leung P, Parrish D, Weinman ML. Reconstruction of Self-identity and Its Impact on Psychosocial adjustment to Traumatic Brain Injury. Presented at the 2015 Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, January 2015.

Sherer M. Integrated treatment options for persons with TBI in the post-acute period of recovery. Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association Division of Rehabilitation Psychology, San Diego, CA, February 2015.

Sherer M. Predicting outcomes after TBI. Keynote address presented at the Council on Brain Injury New Advances in Brain Injury Rehabilitation Conference, Pittsburg, PA, March 2015.

Sherer M. Key Dimensions of Cognitive Functioning, Self-reported Strengths and Problems, and Environmental Supports that Affect Outcome in the Post-acute Period after TBI. Invited plenary address presented at the North American Brain Injury Society meeting, San Antonio, TX, May 2015.

Stampas A, Nosek M, Wenzel L. Pelvic Health Disorders in Women with Mobility Impairments: A Review of the Literature. Poster presentation at the Association of Academic Physiatrists, San Antonio, TX, March 2015.

Thai J, Pandya DA, Clayton D. Implementation of a Protocol to Reduce Complications of Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) Tube Medication Administration. Poster presented at the Texas Society of Health-System Pharmacists Annual Seminar, San Antonio, TX, April 2015.

Weintraub A, Arciniegas DB, Jacobs HE, Masel B, Seaton D. Case Study – Severe TBI. Invited workshop participant/discussant, 12th Annual Meeting of the North American Brain Injury Society, San Antonio, TX, April 2015.



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