Making healthy choices can be difficult during the holiday season. Family parties, work events and neighborhood gatherings are often full of tempting, high-calorie foods and drinks. Memorial Hermann Heart & Vascular has tips to help you enjoy the holidays and stay heart-healthy in the process.

an apple with measuring tape

1. Practice portion control.

Keep an eye on portion sizes and avoid overloading your holiday plate. Remember to eat slowly and enjoy the food. When the meal is over, put leftovers away in the refrigerator instead of leaving them out on the counter for grazing.


2. Stay Active

Getting regular exercise is especially important during the holiday season, especially if you are under additional stress. Be mindful of your daily schedule and find ways to integrate even small amounts of exercise into your day. Take the opportunity to turn exercise into family fun and ask people to join you.

sleep bubble

3. Get plenty of sleep.

Quality sleep is important to maintaining good cardiovascular health. Allowing your body to rest and rejuvenate can strengthen your immune system and lower the risk of developing chronic conditions like high blood pressure.

glass of wine

4. Watch your alcohol intake.

Limiting alcohol consumption is important during the holidays. A festive environment and frequent gatherings with family and friends may come with increased opportunities to drink alcohol, but it is important to practice moderation.


5. Pay attention to your health.

It can be tempting to disregard healthy choices during the holidays, but this can have a negative impact on your heart health. Stick to your usual schedule of taking routine medications and remember to monitor your health and how you feel. Even while traveling, it is important to pay attention to any pain or discomfort you may experience. Be sure to seek medical attention if something feels abnormal.

person meditating

6. Make time for self-care.

Holiday stress can lead to overeating or feeling emotionally drained and exhausted. Look for ways to practice self-care. Taking a walk, reading a book, or catching up with an old friend are good alternatives for overeating or other unhealthy choices.


7. Keep up with your medications.

Even if you’re traveling or feeling otherwise fine, stay on top of your prescriptions, including those for your heart. Missing a dose can affect the drug’s effectiveness. Try setting reminders on your phone if you have trouble remembering to take your meds, such as during the holidays, when your schedule may be a bit different than usual.

washing hands

8. Wash your hands.

Holiday season is also flu season. Wash your hands often, with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, to help prevent spreading germs and be sure to get a flu shot.

Fire safety

9. Resist the urge to do it all.

Try to avoid high-stress holiday situations and learn to say no. Pare down your to-do list, prioritize the traditions that are most important this season and make the big family dinner a potluck this year. Pushing yourself too far can unnecessarily stress your heart.

a calendar

10. Stay current with well checks and health screenings.

Keep up with your regular appointments with a primary care provider. Be sure to ask which exams you need and schedule them within the recommended timeline.

Contact Us

If you’d like a referral to a heart and vascular specialist or want more information about our services, please fill out the form below or call us at (713) 219-3519. For other inquiries, such as obtaining medical records, imaging reports or test results, please call (713) 222-CARE (2273).


Thank you for your inquiry and for connecting with Memorial Hermann Heart & Vascular. If you’re ready to be connected to a heart & vascular specialist now, you can move on to the referral request step by providing your insurance information. This, along with any provider and/or location preferences, will assist us in connecting you with the appropriate Memorial Hermann-affiliated specialist. If you’d like more time, our Nurse Navigator will reach out via email and provide a link to the form that you can submit at your convenience.

We are dedicating to providing you direct access to a comprehensive care team, including specialists who are committed to providing high-quality heart and vascular care.

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.