Cancer treatments such as radiation therapy to the head or neck, some chemotherapy agents and biological therapy can cause mouth sores. These small ulcerations and sensitive areas on the lips, tongue or gums can be painful and often lead to poor intake of food and beverages, resulting in weight loss.
Examples include: avocado, baked sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes made with non-fat powdered dry milk, Greek yogurt, baby foods such as pears or prunes, cottage cheese, cream soups, macaroni and cheese and spinach soufflé.
Avoid citrus fruit and juices, spicy foods, tomato products, salty foods, raw vegetables, sharp or crunchy foods and alcoholic beverages.
Drink beverages with a straw, which can help push the drinks beyond the painful areas of your mouth.
Ask your dietitian or doctor if a medical food supplement such as Ensure®, Boost®, Carnation® Breakfast Essentials™ or Boost Glucose Control® is right for you.
Memorial Hermann Cancer Centers are accredited by the American College of Surgeons’ (ACoS) Commission on Cancer (CoC). This rare distinction is given to cancer programs that uphold the highest standard of care for patients. When you choose Memorial Hermann Cancer Centers for your cancer treatment, you can rest assured you will receive the best possible care delivered by a compassionate team of caregivers in a calm, healing environment.
If you are seeking care or nurse navigation support for a cancer patient, please complete the form below. For inquires related to scheduling, billing, or obtaining medical records, please contact (713) 222-CARE (2273).