Karen and Vincent adopted Isabella from a Chinese orphanage in 2008. They took her to an international adoption doctor to complete the adoption process. The doctor informed Isabella's parents she had developmental and speech delays.
It was likely that Isabella did not receive the stimulation needed as a growing infant; she spent most of her time alone in a crib and was not communicated with. At the age of 11 months, she weighed just 11 pounds and could not crawl or talk. The doctor suggested her parents seek treatment for Isabella's delays at a hospital in the medical center. However, Karen was familiar with TIRR Memorial Hermann Kirby Glen since her sister was a patient there and received such caring services. She trusted Kirby Glen would suit Isabella's needs the best.
Isabella was very comfortable with her therapists at Kirby Glen and still enjoys her time with them. Isabella has completed her occupational and physical therapy and continues with speech therapy. At 2 1/2 years of age, Isabella is now able to crawl, walk, run, climb stairs and babble. Her fine and gross motor skills improve daily and she is working on her language skills. Karen was touched to see how therapy had so many positive effects on her daughter, and Isabella was finally able to call Karen "Mama."