Memorial Hermann Advance

Children's Health

Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital is focused on the personalized needs of women and children with an emphasis on quality, education, outcomes, customer service and advanced research.

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Dr. Jorge Salazar

Successful Biventricular Conversion in Single Ventricle Patients

Dr. Salazar discusses successful biventricular conversion in single ventricle patients. Dr. Salazar…

 Dr. Phuong D. Nguyen

A New Approach to Pediatric Facial Reanimation Evaluation and Treatment

Dr. Phuong D. Nguyen discuses facial reanimation surgical options evaluated with a new, algorithmic…

Dr. KuoJen Tsao

Defining Excellence – What makes a Fetal Center?

The emergence of new fetal procedures has led to a proliferation of programs using the designation…



Doctor touching patient face

A Deeper Dive: An Innovative, Patient-Centered Approach to Pediatric…

Facial paralysis can be physically and emotionally debilitating for anyone. Facial muscles are…

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Surgeon in operating room

A Deeper Dive: Beyond the Landmark TOTAL Trial

An estimated 1 in every 3,600 babies in the United States is born with congenital diaphragmatic…

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Patient and doctor

A Deeper Dive: Promising Novel Approach to Treating Malignant Fourth…

In Advance podcast Episode 4: “Two Novel Studies Seek to Improve Outcomes in Children with…

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Advance tells the stories behind the professionals moving medicine forward. With physician-to-physician articles, podcasts and videos, we cover the research, innovations and clinical breakthroughs that enable Memorial Hermann to redefine health care.