"My wife Ganesa and I like to do a two-mile run through the park near our home. One day, my run didn’t go well at all.
I had a mild heart attack back in 2014 and had to have a stent placed in one of my arteries to keep it open. So, I know it’s important to take care of myself.
But that day, I didn’t feel right. When we finished our run, I sat down to rest. The next thing I knew, I was waking up from an induced coma at Memorial Hermann. I couldn’t remember anything. Ganesa said the doctors there thought I was a good candidate for open-heart surgery. They needed to bypass the artery that was now so narrow it had caused a clot—and my latest heart attack.
Luckily for me, the surgery went well. I’m fine, and I feel so much better.
Ganesa and I are back to our two-mile runs, and I’m even more dedicated to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
I can run. I’m not out of breath. It’s like night and day."