As the hearing, tinnitus, and balance specialists, we offer the latest technology along with expertise in the newest diagnostic procedures using state-of-the-art equipment. After a comprehensive evaluation, we provide a customized treatment plan for each patient including hearing aids, tinnitus therapy and/or balance management.
Videonystagmography (VNG) is used to evaluate dizzy patients. We also offer information on balance and vestibular rehabilitation.
We offer hearing aids and assistive listening devices to fit each patient's particular need.
We can provide comprehensive tinnitus evaluation and management counseling, including ear-level device(s) for tinnitus management.
For patients who do not benefit from traditional amplification, we offer alternative treatment options including cochlear implants and bone-anchored hearing aids. Our audiologists and otolaryngologists work together to provide services to determine candidacy for these options. We also provide programming and mapping for individuals who have already been implanted.
For more information, to refer a patient or to schedule an appointment, call (713) 486-5000.