Memorial Hermann Memorial City Medical Center is enhancing the experience of surgery through the use of a new surgical robot that minimizes risks and complications, as well as rates of conversion to open surgery, maximizing patient safety and quality of care.
The da Vinci® Si Surgical System is a third generation robot that offers technological advancements, including unparalleled precision, dexterity and control that enables physicians to take a minimally invasive approach for many complex surgical procedures such as:
These new advancements benefit patients by enabling smaller incisions, less blood loss, increased precision, and reducing the patient's length of stay and recovery time.
"The da Vinci Si has allowed more of my patients to benefit from both shorter hospital stays and recovery time," said Sherri Levin, MD, an OBGYN affiliated with Memorial Hermann Memorial City Medical Center who is one of five national proctors to teach advanced gynecologic robotics to doctors and hospitals around U.S. "Patients can have their condition treated effectively and get back to their normal life within a couple of weeks."
The da Vinci Si builds upon the core technology of the existing da Vinci Systems, which gives surgeons more capabilities than ever before, making surgery less complicated and more precise. These advancements include 3D HD visualization with 10x magnification, offering surgeons a superior view of the operative field; EndoWrist® instrumentation, providing da Vinci surgeons with larger range of motion; and Intuitive® motion technology, which replicates the operative experience by preserving natural eye-hand-instrument alignment and intuitive instrument control.
"The robot has enabled me to offer my patients a better operation and improved clinical outcomes with reduced blood loss and shorter operating times," said Andy Selzman, MD, a urologist affiliated with Memorial Hermann Memorial City. "The feedback and satisfaction from patients has been extremely positive."
For more information about the da Vinci® Si Surgical System, visit