To expedite your pre-admission testing and ensure that your experience is as pleasant as possible please follow the guidelines outlined below.

Depending on the type of insurance or other health coverage you have, you may be required to precertify with your insurance company. Please discuss precertification requirements with your doctor before your procedure is scheduled.

Pre-procedure Guidelines

  • Prior to the procedure you will be asked to complete an anesthesia/sedation questionnaire detailing your medical history, allergies, previous surgeries and medications.
  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before the procedure, unless otherwise directed by your physician. Ask your physician if you need to take blood pressure, heart, diabetes or other medications with a sip of water the morning of your procedure. Please bring with you a list of all medications you are currently taking.
  • Wear non-binding, comfortable clothing (warm-ups, loose dress, roomy pants or shorts). No makeup or jewelry, please.
  • You will NOT be permitted to drive yourself home or take public transportation alone. Please make arrangements to have a responsible adult accompany you home after discharge or your procedure may be rescheduled.
  • During the procedure, family members will be directed to the appropriate reception area. They will be notified when your endoscopy is completed and you have been taken to the recovery area.

Before you are discharged, you will be instructed regarding your home care.

Preparation Checklist

  • Insurance cards, identification, referrals or any paperwork given to you by your physician
  • List of medications you are currently taking
  • Please have a companion to drive you to and from your procedure


After the endoscopic procedure, you will be transported to the endoscopy recovery area for observation. While you’re there, your blood pressure, pulse and respirations will be checked at frequent intervals. A recovery area nurse will be attending your immediate needs and will assist in your discharge from the area.

Post-procedure Guidelines

  • If you have received sedative medication, please do not drive for 24 hours. Your physician may put additional restrictions on your driving.
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages for 24 hours or while taking medication.
  • Discharge instructions will be given to you by your physician and the discharge nurse.
  • If you have any problems or questions during your recovery at home, please contact your physician.
  • A member of the nursing staff will call you 24-72 hours after your endoscopy procedure.