About Our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

Our neonatal critical care services at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital, located in the Texas Medical Center, include a 118 bed Level IV Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, the highest level of care available for premature and critically-ill newborns, as designated by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS). Through our affiliation with the physicians at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth, Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital provides premature or critically ill patients with a full range of pediatric medical and surgical sub-specialists with 24/7 access to neonatologists. Through Memorial Hermann Life Flight®, our Level IV NICU has the ability to treat critically-ill neonatal patients transferred to our Level IV NICU, one of the biggest in Texas, from community hospitals across Greater Houston. While we use high-tech therapies and advanced equipment, we never lose sight of the value of human touch to the infants in our care.

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Meet the NICU Team

Our team based approach focuses on meeting the unique needs for preemie babies and providing specialized and personalized around the clock care to every patient.

What to Expect

Because most preemie and neonatal patients require special attention, Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital ensures you are prepared for you and your child's stay here.

Patient Stories

  • patient sienna laying in hospital bed smiling

    Surgery for Tetralogy of Fallot Unleashes the Full Potential of Sienna Wilson’s Brain

    When Sienna Grace Wilson was born, a little fighter came into the world. Her parents, Sarah and David Wilson, were in awe of their new baby. They were also very emotional because of Sienna’s pre-birth diagnosis of Tetralogy of Fallot.

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  • patient gavin in car seat

    Gavin’s Story: Overcoming Omphalocele

    But in December of that year, during a routine screening in their hometown of Lufkin, Texas, Blain’s doctor found signs suggesting their baby might have spina bifida. The news was shocking, and the couple travelled to visit with specialists for extensive testing. The tests revealed that their son...

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  • patient landon sitting on grass

    Landon's Journey: Overcoming CDH with Gratitude and Hope

    When Elizabeth came in for a second scan a week later, things felt off. The ultrasound technician kept going back to the same spot, muttering about the baby's diaphragm. Finally, she broke the silence with, "I can't see his diaphragm. It's there... and then it stops. I need to contact your OBGYN....

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  • patient dottie posing at park

    Dottie's Heart Journey: A Tale of Resilience, Faith and a Life Without Limits

    Navigating this amazing journey, Dottie’s parents, Brad and Caitlin, were by her side, backed by the medical team at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital where she was transferred after birth. From fetal heart diagnostics to the heart-wrenching uncertainties that followed, their daugh...

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  • patient noah

    A Soldier's Sacrifice: Relocating for Her Baby's Lifeline to Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital

    The majority of Teemer’s pregnancy was uneventful, and she felt healthy, happy and excited. But as she neared the 34-week mark, she began experiencing an unrelenting migraine for three consecutive days. Concerned, she sought medical attention at the hospital where she worked, just to ensure...

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  • patient kayden

    Message From the Heart: A Life-Changing Text Message and Story of Hope at the Children’s Heart Institute at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital

    For Demetric Fisher, her daughter Kaydan's health was such a test. Born on June 20, 2012, in Jackson, Miss., little Kaydan’s life led her family on an emotional rollercoaster that would shape their lives for years to come.

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  • patient William portrait

    William’s CDH and heart journey: A story of hope, resilience and positive outcomes

    Despite the previous reassuring tests, William’s position during the ultrasound raised concerns. His heart appeared too far to the left and his stomach couldn’t be located.

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  • patient emory smiling with mom

    Expecting Emory: A Mother's Journey Through Pregnancy, COVID-19, and Recovery

    This was the case for Jessica Harris-Wiltz, 38, when she became pregnant in 2019. Little did she know that her pregnancy would take place during the global COVID-19 pandemic and lead to a life-threatening situation for her and her baby during an already high-risk pregnancy.

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  • patient in swing

    Maggie’s Story: Seeking Out Highly Specialized Care for Placenta Accreta

    “My doctor and I decided together to monitor it and follow up with another scan in a few weeks,” Maggie said. “I was so nervous after I first learned about my diagnosis, so I started doing all of this research on my own, and that’s when I first came across The Fetal ...

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  • patient Dylan

    Dylan’s Story: Celebrating Small, but Mighty Victories After Fetoscopic Spina Bifida Surgery

    "The ultrasound showed the ventricles in my baby’s brain were enlarged,” said Courtney. “Concerned he might have hydrocephalus, my OB-GYN sent me to a maternal-fetal medicine specialist in town.” A few days later, Courtney met with her family friend and MFM physician, Dr. ...

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  • patient Wyatt waiving hello

    Wyatt’s Spina Bifida Journey: How Our Miracle Baby Beat the Odds One Step at a Time

    A few weeks later, Sarah returned to her OB-GYN for another anatomy ultrasound. As the ultrasound technician glided the probe on Sarah’s growing belly, she noticed something unusual on the monitor. “The ultrasound showed Wyatt had fluid in his brain,” said Sarah.

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  • Patient Brielle Grace with pacifier

    Brielle Grace’s Story: A Micro-Preemie’s Incredible Story of Survival

    At the time, Shamesia was only 18 weeks along. Although their baby’s heartbeat was strong, the amniotic fluid was too low for the baby’s lungs to develop during the critical period between 16 to 20 weeks’ gestation

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  • patient with flower crown

    Lindsay and Kendall’s Story: Finding help for their unborn baby’s spina bifida

    Their baby had spina bifida. A portion of her lower spinal cord was exposed. The long-term effects could be seizures, bowel and bladder control issues, and difficulty walking. She might also need a special shunt to regulate her brain’s fluid levels.

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  • Patient Carlos Miranda

    Defying the odds: Carlos’ story of courage, hope and resilience

    Carlos’ intraventricular hemorrhage (neonatal brain bleed) led to scarring in his brain from being born prematurely. The severe scarring and lack of blood flow to his brain tissue contributed to periventricular leukomalacia (PVL), a softening of the white brain tissue near the fluid-f...

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  • Addie and Aniston

    Addie’s Story: From NICU Nurse to NICU Mom

    After being married for four years, Addie and Chase Adamek of Pearland were excited to learn that they were expecting in 2018. Addie was a NICU nurse at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital in the Texas Medical Center and Chase was a middle school PE teacher and coach. Ultrasound after ultr...

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  • Sutton with her toys

    Memorial Hermann Team Improves Outcomes for Pregnant Mother With High-Risk Complications Due to Gestational Diabetes and Preeclampsia

    Almost 4 years after her daughter, Sutton, was born, Joymesha Jones recalls her pregnancy, along with its challenges, like it was yesterday. As a 35-year-old expectant mother, her first and second trimesters flew by right on track. She knew about the potential risks due to her weight, but o...

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  • After 2 months in the NICU, Laila is a healthy baby

    Improving the Long-Term Outcomes for Expectant Mothers With Pregnancy Related Complications

    During Black Maternal Health Week, we want to spotlight Ronnie Fisher, who despite several challenges throughout her pregnancy, had a safe delivery and recently welcomed a beautiful baby girl into this world.

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  • Elizabeth Andrew

    Lizzy’s NICU Stay: The Bright Spot in a Dark Cloud

    Meghann had planned a natural home birth for her first child, Elizabeth Caroline (“Lizzy”). When she started having abdominal pains at 23 weeks, her midwife ordered lab tests that came back normal. A week before Lizzy was born on January 18, 2013, severe abdominal pain sent Meghann to...

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  • Figueroa Sisters

    Iris’ Story: MoMo Twins Survive Rollercoaster Start

    When Iris finally got her wish, an ultrasound revealed not one, but two heartbeats. Twins. Identical twins, in fact. Iris and her husband were elated. But the ultrasound indicated a potential problem, and her doctor referred her to The Fetal Center at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital.&n...

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  • Jayda Hector

    Laryngotracheal Reconstruction: A Long-Awaited Resolution for Jayda Hector

    Pediatric otorhinolaryngologist, Sancak Yuksel, MD, at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital has provided care for Jayda Hector since shortly after she was born in October 2010 at just 26 weeks’ gestation. After 12 trips to the OR at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital, the six ...

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Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital